Soundwalk Into Wellbeing Bridgford Park

DSCF4220Salamanda Tandem’s ‘Soundwalks into Wellbeing’, are a series of outdoor site specific performances, with radio headphones. Tailor-made for each season, and taking place in our local city park, right opposite Salamanda Tandem’s home in West Bridgford, Nottingham. Designed by soundartists, wellbeing practitioners and seldom heard carers, who collaborate together to develop their own wellbeing, and that of others, to address the challenges of isolation, stress, disability and poor health.

“Once out in the park the performance begins; the sound of birds, the wind in the trees, children at play, the rain, whatever we find, be it soft warm grass, the cold crisp earth of winter, a discarded ball or the common grey squirrel ferreting around. Responding to what the season and each day brings, and the moment. As such resources come into relief, individuals are enveloped in a world of sound and nature.

Invited to be absorbed in total concentration for the 1hr duration, audiences move from passive recipients, to ‘actors’ and ‘inventors’ as senses are awakened to the environment unfolding. The work utilizes local free resources; the sound and presence of nature, walking, movement, air and breath. Drones, loops, and sine waves are generated live from these natural resources, together with live tabla, and a singer/audio describer who guides audiences to become generators of the performance itself.

The first soundwalk project, began as part of ‘White Cane’, a series of touring sensory art works developed by a team of blind, visually impaired and sighted musicians who lead audiences into a fascinating world of sonic vision.

Now the project has grown into a Nottinghamshire County Wide Initiative

Supported by Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottinghamshire CC Co-Production Team, Rushcliffe Mental Health carers,  & Arts Council G4A funding.

4 seasons: For Winter catch here

Soundwalk Into Wellbeing Bridgford Park People

Isabel Jones, Biant Singh, Geoffrey Fielding, Duncan Chapman, Caroline Robinson, Drek Grant, Sue Ansell, Indra Slavena, Keith Barlow, Suzanne Barlow, and Tomomi,